Monday, February 8, 2010

Ben Kohler

Ben Kohler (16 years of age) hails from Woonona High School.
In Ben's spare time, he enjoys basking in the sounds of Punk-Rock bands such as the Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys, Bad Religion, Misfits, Black Flag, The Clash and also appreciates a bit of Marlyn Manson! As well as listening to the music his favourite bands produce, Ben also plays the bass guitar which falls into the list of his many hobbies.
On a weekend, Ben entertains himself by "reading alot". He enjoys reading novels written by Stephen King, as well as snooping the internet to find media sources which are usually politically based articles. He likes that kind of stuff!
Ben is currently unemployed yet he feels he should really get a job! Anyone hiring? Unfortunatly Ben would have to be very reliant on public transport, he is almost 17 and doesn't have his L's! Although this doesn't seem to worry him.
Changing schools 5 times and once living in Nowra, Ben must be close to seeing it all! Yet his career path is still being deceided.
From the 10 quiet minutes I have spent one on one with Ben, I have walked away with the knowledge that he is quite smart, has strong beliefs and is a generally nice guy.

Life cycle

In life we are thrown about within this enclosure we recognize as our ‘comfort zone’.To even be slightly nudged against the barrier of your zone you begin to underestimate your capabilities as a simple human being.During the lifespan of a semi average person, (basing this assumption of the community surrounding myself) you learn to cope with the heavy emotional impact certain episodes leave you finding yourself tangled within, we learn from the paths we choose to follow and grow uniquely in this direction. We will live, and we will live as thoroughly as we possibly can. We must promise ourselves that on this earth that we will take up every oppurtunity that has bounced our way. We should not criticise, but we should learn from the mistakes of others. In doing this, we will be able to live. Live for ourselves


A little heads up