Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just another teen movie?

The movie The Last Song stars the contemporary famous actors Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth and follows a storyline which has been set to present it's audience with dramatic romance with unexpected complications.
This movie was brought to life from the ideas of a Nicholas Spark's novel, which according to's Rebecca Murray, is almost identical to the rest of his novels.
The review began with a comparison to an also recent film Dear John whos characters and storyline are also apparently "freakishly similar to those in The Last Song."
Murray continues her review by labelling whole plot idea "Strangers become friends". She believes this idea is used in many recent films, therefore the last song is just another one of those Strangers become friends, teenaged chick-flicks.
Rebecca Murray's review is different from a news story as it presents more opinion than fact. In a news story, you would have had to include mostly fact and almost no opinion on the topic.

This review has been written by someone who has not neccessarily enjoyed the movie or is under the impression it is a copy of all the other movies hitting the box office in 2010. This however, does not mean the article is not well written. Even from the perspective of myself, who enjoyed the movie, the article is constructed in a way which links opinion to fact, and then uses example to prove her 'all the same' theory which leaves the audience entertained and creates a humourous theme for the review.


A little heads up