Monday, March 15, 2010

Youth gangs - opinion.

Graffiti is everywhere, you can't escape it. Gangs of teenage morons seemed determined to deface our city with their juvenile scribblings. Why?
To me it comes across as stupid and thoughtless and costs our city of Wollongong millions of dollars a year. Why should we have to pay for that?
Most graffiti we see is what is known as a "tag" and most gang members have their own individual tags as well as the one that signifies their particular group. For example - post codes, "Warilla Boys", "Port Boys" "Oak Flats Elite" "One Seven Soliders" etc
Why do young boys feel the need to join gangs and what are the consequences? It all begins from the point a youth gang forms, until each current member is locked up.
So is this the end of it? Not yet. Locking members up makes the gang stronger, family members, close friends and keen locals insist on continuing the violence to prolong the name of their "boys", "girls" and suberbs violent history.

No matter how long I gaze at these scribbles, I still cannot identify any talent in the hand of an under developed pre-pubescent boy scribbling “F*** off” or “2526” across people’s prized possessions, or better still, stabbing their ex girlfriend's new romance.
This costs money the people inflicting this cannot afford even with a whole years pay! Leave our cities alone! It will benefit you when you’ve aged and hopefully formed into bigger and better crews, such as the team of employees at your job. As you screen the city’s skyline from your balcony on the hills you will inhale the clean air and thank your community for keeping it’s surroundings pristine and murder free.
Seriously, enlighten me with your reason, your ‘excuse’ for these murders, "tagging" and brawls .

Monday, March 8, 2010

State Of Play

By Hayley Speechley

The film "State of Play" stars an ageing Journalist (Russel Crowe) and a rising Congressman (Ben Affleck) who previously share friendship. This friendship begins to re ignite as Stephen Collins (Congressman) becomes the key link to a series of suspicious events.

Nearing Collins presidential peak, his assistant (also secretly his mistress) is viciously murdered. This is when bitter fact begins to seep through the to the surface and then bends Collin's original game plan.

The film continues by unfolding this 'series of suspicious events' which have called for excessive heated commotion and difficult decision making. All this heated commotion has resulted in Collin's being put under pressure and is being viewed closely by the public eye. This is when the truth is unfolded and after where incorrect fact and unwanted opinion has previously positioned them, Washington insiders come to a conclusion.

In conclusion, the director of "State of Play", Kevin MacDonald, has put together a well structured film and represents his ideas and emotion successfully through the dialogue and camera techniques, which presents his movie as a sucessful one.

Class Activity.


The search for the identity of four men has begun in response to the recent murders committed near the Rock's area.
Over the weekend, two men gunned down, central to some of the city's most exclusive real estate.
Police report that they believe at least 20 shots were fired last week from multiple semi-automatic hand guns at close range.

As a result of this incident and many similar, Anti-firearm lobby groups have called upon Government to halt the spread of illegal hand guns in Sydney whilst the NSW Opposition leader has accused the Government of letting gun crimes the same as this inncident spiral out of control.

Police having been already aware of the sudden gangland war outbreak, are concerned this incident will provoke a drastic escalation in Sydney's turf war.
"Bob Carr has run out of excuses" states Brogden, "His policing strategies aren't working when criminals think shooting people in highly populated, tourist areas is easy"

Hayley Speechley


A little heads up