Monday, March 8, 2010

State Of Play

By Hayley Speechley

The film "State of Play" stars an ageing Journalist (Russel Crowe) and a rising Congressman (Ben Affleck) who previously share friendship. This friendship begins to re ignite as Stephen Collins (Congressman) becomes the key link to a series of suspicious events.

Nearing Collins presidential peak, his assistant (also secretly his mistress) is viciously murdered. This is when bitter fact begins to seep through the to the surface and then bends Collin's original game plan.

The film continues by unfolding this 'series of suspicious events' which have called for excessive heated commotion and difficult decision making. All this heated commotion has resulted in Collin's being put under pressure and is being viewed closely by the public eye. This is when the truth is unfolded and after where incorrect fact and unwanted opinion has previously positioned them, Washington insiders come to a conclusion.

In conclusion, the director of "State of Play", Kevin MacDonald, has put together a well structured film and represents his ideas and emotion successfully through the dialogue and camera techniques, which presents his movie as a sucessful one.

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