Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Post 2 - Emerging technologies

Technology is all around us. Currently, I am typing on a keyboard which is linked to a computer which is also linked to a large network of computers sharing the same Internet system and right now, you are reading this on your own computer screen. A simple example of technology at its prime.
The use of technology benefits each individual in their own unique way. Whether it be used in our homes, for educational purposes, in the workplace or just socially, the ever growing product line that technology has produced influences our everyday lives.
During the process of traditional news gathering, journalists use different methods and apply unique procedures in order to collect the appropriate data to use in their work. This technology could range from one journalist meeting pen to paper, right up to another carrying around a recently emerged touch screen hand held gadget where they store all their notes and critical information.
Emerging technologies provide today's journalist with easy and time efficient devices to guide them in a suitable direction to make their job a little easier. This help could range from the simple use of a mobile phone to communicate with information sources to a wide network of computers which may hold the secret quote to prove their article truthful and yet this is only a fraction of the ways emerging technology has transformed journalism overtime.

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