Monday, June 14, 2010

Post 3 - Roles in print media.

1. A columnist is detailed as a journalist whose job is to voice their opinion in a short article with a restricted amount of words to a piece. A columnist can be assigned to different work where they are expected to create opinion pieces for different mediums. These can include:

  • Magazines

  • Newspapers

  • Websites

  • Books

  • Film, music and TV reviews

  • Advice columns etc.

2. An editor is referred to as one who edits and corrects the product before final release. To acquire a skill in editing you are required to be familiar with fields such as creative skills, human relations and obtaining an accurate set of methods.
There are many different levels of editing which link the entire practice together. The author of the original piece is also a tight requirement in the equation. The levels which develop the complete workload include:

  • Junior editorial assistant

  • Senior editorial staff

  • Senior executive staff

The senior executive staff are the one who end up having the final say in the end result of the piece right before publication.

3. Newspaper journalism entails researching and constructing stories which relate to recent local events which hold significance towards the people of the community. This work is printed daily and submitted to the public, available to purchase. Newspaper journalists cover a whole range of different topics and learn to write in many forms and styles. They have a major role in print media because a newspaper appears to be top of the many products that has been produced in terms of print media. A newspaper journalist could also fall into the categories explained above as you are able to be positioned as a columnist or an editor for a company which produced newspapers. Eg. Sun Herald, Sunday Telegraph, Illawarra Mercury etc.

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