Sunday, June 20, 2010

Post 5 - Roles in digital media

Online marketer
An online marketer is generally responsible for the advertisement of the product they are attempting to sell on other websites. These are often those annoying little popups located on the top and sidebar of the screen on most of the websites today. The market is not responsible for designing these advertisements however, but they are to find websites which would be most suitable to advertise their product, website or proWgram on.
An online marketer is also the one who needs to make sure the website for that particular product, company etc. is easily located when searched for on popular search engines.

Web design and development
Web design is the art of creating presentations which are then transformed into website material and submitted onto a website which they have created for business purposes.
Web designers are those who obtain the role of constructing the entire website. This is an example of digital media as it is presented digitally on a website for others to view.

Being in the business of advertising can be an important role in digital media. Advertisers spend hours digitally enhancing images which create a suitable look for the company they are publicly representing. There are many forms of advertisement. It could include:
  • TV commercials
  • Billboards
  • Posters
  • Pictures in newspapers and magazines
  • Website ads
  • Infomercials

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